Hoy mi inspiración anda algo pezguata, por eso clicko en un generador de contenido y pongo: "1000 palabras, 10 parágrafos." Los diseñadores gráficos creen que un texto legible molesta, y por eso acuden a este pupurri que parece latín de Cicerón, pero que no, jajajaja, ¡que no se puede traducir!. Creo que es el monólogo interior perfecto de un subnormal profundo. Lo incluiré en mi novela.
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Ignota splendide definiebas per ad, no qui natum dissentiunt. At eam ullum officiis maluisset, meis malis novum ut eum, et eos regione tibique conclusionemque. Ea quod tation efficiantur per, meliore singulis accommodare ei sit, ex mel veri forensibus adolescens. Vim alii homero denique no, vocibus dignissim neglegentur eu his. Vulputate accommodare disputationi has ne, ea quo equidem omittam constituam.
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Dolore perfecto ut vix, mel no meis vocent impedit. Saepe copiosae ullamcorper ius ei, ex pro putent viderer nominavi. Ex vim facilisi euripidis, duo eripuit laoreet eloquentiam no. Eros legere quaestio nec ea, dicam sanctus scriptorem ad est. Sit ex convenire persecuti vituperata. Eam quod nobis mandamus in, ad mea sumo iudico eleifend.
An per euripidis democritum. Ex vel viderer assentior contentiones, eam et duis omnes. An mea augue omittantur, dolore vocibus comprehensam ea eam, elitr mentitum efficiendi ad ius. Puto recusabo facilisis ea has. Diam dicat nam ea, id pri modo summo erroribus. Mea id sint reque inermis, labore ceteros lobortis no qui. Ex mea ludus laboramus, ut diam accusam scaevola mea.
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In doming elaboraret dissentias eam, vis probo fabulas menandri eu. Quo ex facilis nusquam repudiare, suas primis interpretaris ne sed. Pro modo facilisi scriptorem no, usu reque pericula at. Mel platonem erroribus an, qui id utinam vivendum adversarium, essent debitis detracto per no. In ullum scaevola inciderint his, sonet torquatos sit te, ad est oratio populo vocent.
Cum no nonumy doctus periculis. Ignota animal luptatum mel no, ne verear argumentum dissentias vim. Mel eu quis graeco vituperata, sea esse regione aperiam et, per et alterum veritus necessitatibus. Sed aeque iudico iriure ut. Mutat saepe quaerendum pri ut, duo ad dicta iriure saperet. At nisl minim possim nec, in ius reque dolore everti.
Te aliquid eligendi copiosae vim, mei eu mundi interpretaris, mel erant decore et. Facer oratio accusam est an. Pro vero putant patrioque an, id putent quaeque consetetur nec, quem blandit splendide te mel. Mel te prima solet. An altera integre partiendo usu, vix utinam persius conceptam at, has tale alia nostrud ex. Vel id tale impetus facilisi, omnes commune salutatus mei ea. Nostrud accusam lucilius vix cu, omnis laboramus consequat per in, nec ei appetere invidunt principes.
Ignota splendide definiebas per ad, no qui natum dissentiunt. At eam ullum officiis maluisset, meis malis novum ut eum, et eos regione tibique conclusionemque. Ea quod tation efficiantur per, meliore singulis accommodare ei sit, ex mel veri forensibus adolescens. Vim alii homero denique no, vocibus dignissim neglegentur eu his. Vulputate accommodare disputationi has ne, ea quo equidem omittam constituam.
At mea mollis omittam intellegebat, graeco oblique incorrupte in his, eam viris doming rationibus at. Ut sonet recteque expetenda quo, cu labitur quaerendum theophrastus nam, duo cu modo dolores deseruisse. Mea probo tamquam aliquando ad, vim id habeo dicta facete, te delenit repudiare gubergren usu. Est eu dicta erroribus, has illud mandamus facilisis ex. Et mel alii meis nominavi, sit at utamur ocurreret liberavisse, reque aliquam meliore eos te. Populo utroque salutatus his no, an aliquip propriae deseruisse vim. Et est veri novum tation, ea eius aliquam qui, cu sed tollit tritani fierent.
Pri ex alii mandamus, prompta sapientem principes vel et, mea fabulas delenit eligendi id. Nemore aliquid perpetua mei et. Eos an albucius deleniti, quot explicari theophrastus ea his. Sit ex nulla pertinax antiopam, minimum posidonium dissentiunt cu sea. Cu qui eruditi nusquam dignissim, est ea minim mucius aliquid, mundi pertinax conclusionemque ne qui.
Dolore perfecto ut vix, mel no meis vocent impedit. Saepe copiosae ullamcorper ius ei, ex pro putent viderer nominavi. Ex vim facilisi euripidis, duo eripuit laoreet eloquentiam no. Eros legere quaestio nec ea, dicam sanctus scriptorem ad est. Sit ex convenire persecuti vituperata. Eam quod nobis mandamus in, ad mea sumo iudico eleifend.
An per euripidis democritum. Ex vel viderer assentior contentiones, eam et duis omnes. An mea augue omittantur, dolore vocibus comprehensam ea eam, elitr mentitum efficiendi ad ius. Puto recusabo facilisis ea has. Diam dicat nam ea, id pri modo summo erroribus. Mea id sint reque inermis, labore ceteros lobortis no qui. Ex mea ludus laboramus, ut diam accusam scaevola mea.
Ad agam impedit adversarium sit, ius cu dico fugit intellegebat, modus definiebas in mel. Duo ei ubique scripta equidem, duo quis error ut. Cu modo vitae assentior mel. Eos id aliquip recteque, ei nec ferri epicurei, id esse reformidans signiferumque his.
In doming elaboraret dissentias eam, vis probo fabulas menandri eu. Quo ex facilis nusquam repudiare, suas primis interpretaris ne sed. Pro modo facilisi scriptorem no, usu reque pericula at. Mel platonem erroribus an, qui id utinam vivendum adversarium, essent debitis detracto per no. In ullum scaevola inciderint his, sonet torquatos sit te, ad est oratio populo vocent.
Cum no nonumy doctus periculis. Ignota animal luptatum mel no, ne verear argumentum dissentias vim. Mel eu quis graeco vituperata, sea esse regione aperiam et, per et alterum veritus necessitatibus. Sed aeque iudico iriure ut. Mutat saepe quaerendum pri ut, duo ad dicta iriure saperet. At nisl minim possim nec, in ius reque dolore everti.
Te aliquid eligendi copiosae vim, mei eu mundi interpretaris, mel erant decore et. Facer oratio accusam est an. Pro vero putant patrioque an, id putent quaeque consetetur nec, quem blandit splendide te mel. Mel te prima solet. An altera integre partiendo usu, vix utinam persius conceptam at, has tale alia nostrud ex. Vel id tale impetus facilisi, omnes commune salutatus mei ea. Nostrud accusam lucilius vix cu, omnis laboramus consequat per in, nec ei appetere invidunt principes.
101 comentarios:
Jo tú, pues tiene un rollo esto del robot (recuerda a la ciudad de la Historia Interminable donde intentaban escribir historias al azar).
Voy a destacar las más interesantes y, si se me permite, mi interpretación silabomántica:
Ex mea ludus laboramus
Tremenda, toda una máxima del azar. Podríase uno ir a cualquier parte con esta frasezuela: "fuera del ocio, trabajamos".
omnis laboramus consequat
"Así que siempre trabajamos".
Sí claro, bizarra enmienda de la anterior, además usada para rematar el texto.
An per euripidis democritum
Esta te la ha puesto la máquina con especial cariño: es una referencia encubierta al papel socializador de los teatros de corral. ¡Hay que estar atento!
At mea mollis omittam intellegebat, graeco oblique incorrupte in his
Aquí el oráculo se pasó de setas, pero nadie negará que es una verdad incuestionable, al menos en su primera parte: "en mi ombligo hallo inteligencia".
Vaya pues, un rato de humor extraño en una sopa de letras fruto de una máquina -y una escritora- ociosas.
Ande iremo a pará.
Maga: buscando otra cosa (siempre sucede buscando otra cosa) he encontrado una joyica en internet. Viene a ser el manual del creador, pero de alto standing, solo que más barato que un piso.
Hala, que usted lo disfrute:
(O bien buscar "El silencio creador" en googlebooks.)
Pedro, ahora mismo, leyendo tu comentario, veo que el generador de textos es una herramienta básica del Rapsomante. Es mejor que una tirada de cartas del tarot.
¡Gemma, Dios mío! ¡Ese libro lo tengo en casa desde hace años! ¡Le ha llegado la hora!¡A la picota del ojo!Joyica es, síp.
Caí por casualidad y ya estoy atado de pies y manos a tu blog.
Madre mía...aquí sí que me he perdido...lost in translation...jejeje. Un beso Maga.
El ladrón de secretos robó el sentido literal de este texto hace ya muchos años. Lo tiene guardado bajo siete códigos (lingüísticos, se entiende) y custodiado por una esfinge en un jeroglífico pigmeo.
hola maga fue un placer pasar por tu mundo y espero unamos mundos para disfrutar de ellos
busqué lo de la flor azul de Novalis
y me entusiasmó todo eso...
muchas gracias hermosa
pronto nos vemos una mañana o en contrabanda te escribo
a tus dos niños de ojos azules
Yo me quedo con los poemas dadaístas de traductor automático...
Y si te envío un beso antes de darle al "enter" mejor, ¿no?
Anda, qué tonto. Tendría que haberte respondido en el mismo idioma... si es que soy un maleducado. Mi ipsumés tiene acento y quizá hago faltas, pero allá va:
At per regione voluptuusa verterem. Et sed postea omittam nyam, ea ea ea eum aperitivi alinyam recusabo cabrea. Vea bele culum propriae.
No aeque quidam inodoroctum eum, duo ne vocent commodo intellegat, viris tempor abhorreant ex vel.
Bêlit iusta sanctus ad der conan, inani sonja menandri inimicus per, saepe delicata constituam ut vis.
His ne dicam ludens ridens.
Hala, ahí está. Yo me voy a la isla, a ver si "sur les personnes, la plage".
¿Cómo es en latín eso de 'te echo de menos, ya tengo ganas de que vuelvas y sólo han pasado dos días'?
¿Todo bien, Maga? Llevas mucho tiempo cibercallada. Si estás rumiando, no rumies mucho, porque con cualquier cosa nos conformamos. Somos exigentes tus lectores, pero no tanto como para no saber apreciar el genio en la sencillez. En fin, un abrazo de cronopio. Pronto nos veremos.
Está en Portugal investigando innes ;-) ¡Vuelve mañana por fin! jejeje
AAAhhh, uf menos mal. ¡Gracias!
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1. Stay away from all fried foods for the week
2. Drink an 8oz glass of Citrus paradisi with breakfast every day. (this accelerates up your metabolism)
3. Eat limited portions (stop taking when you are full)
4. If you are eating 3 big a meals a day, eat up 5-6 small meals to keep your metabolism up and keep your body burning fat.
5. Aviod your habbit of eating after 9 P.M.. Its good to eat before 9 P.M. so that our body gets proper time to burn calories before sleep.
6. Take proper sleep every night. Not having plenty sleep has been proved to be a ranking element to the body storing excess fat.
7. Apply a body/colon clean for the 7 days. This will get rid of unnecessary weight stored around the stomach area as well as cleanse your body of harmfull pollutants that cause you store fat and feel tired. Flush away excess pounds around the stomach area that otherwise would be hard to lose.
8. I suggest you using Acai Berry Diet Pills. This one is tested to work, and you can get a free trial.
9. For those individuals who need to burn fat quickly, avoid alcoholic beverage.
10[url=http://www.weightrapidloss.com/lose-10-pounds-in-2-weeks-quick-weight-loss-tips].[/url] A low GI diet is an excellent method of burning fat quickly.
Ola, what's up amigos? :)
I will be glad to get any assistance at the beginning.
Thanks and good luck everyone! ;)
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Now here is a shoe-in for the list of the year's best gaming-related clothing : Adidas has brought back its ZX five hundred running shoe, and, since it originally is from the '80s, the gaming inspired design and coloring is a simple choice ... Right? The kicks may not be the coolest part of the deal, either ; they come packed with a combination bracelet/USB flashdrive containing ZX Runner, a computer game based primarily on ... The shoe itself.
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In addition to offering the full menu of track bets, i.e., Win, Place, Show, Daily Doubles, Exactas, Quinellas, Trifectas and Superfectas, some have started offering additional types of wagers such as a two horse match bet. This, in our opinion, is the most significant opportunity for horse racing today. In an era where proposition bets on football range from the point spread to which way the wind will be blowing at half time, horse racing is missing the boat. They've failed to recognize what Las Vegas has known for some time, namely that gaming is entertainment and that the way to increase 'handle' is to offer more types of wagers. This year's Superbowl offered over 300 proposition bets resulting in a record setting day for the Las Vegas sports books with over 94 million dollars wagered. To put that into perspective, that's about .6% of the 15 billion dollars wagered annually on horse racing.
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There are however many controversies surrounding the horse industry. During races, some jockeys use a crop to hit the horse in the rump to direct their effort and possibly run faster. Based on the most detailed statistical study of whipping ever carried out, it is actually counterproductive and slows the horse down causing them to become distracted and dangerously go off course.
Some of horse racing's most legendary names failed to capture this event. Man o' War managed only 2 out of the 3 legs (did not start in the Kentucky Derby); Seabiscuit, after losing 17 straight races as a two year old wasn't even considered (although he did later beat 1937's Triple Crown winner, War Admiral in a match race); Cigar never competed, starting his great winning streak late in his fourth year.
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Now that Ah Day has passed on the Preakness, eight other horses will be looking to spoil Barbaro's bid for the second leg of the Triple Crown. Two are returning from their Derby bids and six more that skipped the Run for the Roses.
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The second half was a completely different story; the French team started on fire, producing great opportunities. The first came at minute 52 when Lisandro made a 25-yard shot that tested Madrid’s goalkeeper, Iker Casillas. Casillas was clearly starting to feel the pressure produced by the French team. [url=http://www.pulsebet.com]himno real madrid[/url] In the match against Zaragoza, Real Madrid dominated the game from the first minute, coming close to scoring at minute 2 when Cristiano Ronaldo missed a clear option after goalkeeper Roberto Jimenez cleared the shot from the Portuguese. Minutes later, the Whites kept control of the ball while Real Zaragoza was trying to close the spaces and the opportunities for the Meringues in their area.
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